Professor Kimberley Mangun

Student-journalists in my section of Introduction to News Writing were: Camille Aglaure; Isabelle Buoscio; Benny Cardullo; Allison Corey; Isabelle Curran; Natalie Freeze; Berklee Hammond; Saige Hawkins; Lauren Hinkley; Greg House; Salwa Ibrahim; Samira Ibrahim; Emma Johnson; Nic Nielsen; Jenna S. O’Dell; Caroline J. Pastorius; Pamela Smith.

They covered a wide range of interesting and important topics during the semester, including: diets that are sustainable and ethical; new recycling guidelines at the University of Utah; Black Cat Comics; and preparing elementary students for active-shooter drills.

Find links to their stories and read their blogs and bios by clicking on a name above, or by selecting Blogs & Bios from the Categories drop-down box. Stories also can be located by clicking on a Tag or selecting a topic such as Education from the Categories box.